Learn How To Become A Better Parent:
So many couples fail at one relationship and dive into another and multiply their parenting stress. Your kids need to be securely emotionally attached even more than you do. If they are not securely attached to you they will end up looking for love or pain relief in all the wrong places.
While this is not a parenting course, one of the biggest challenges in parenting is modeling a loving connection for your children and always making decisions together as a unified team. You cannot make decisions together if you don’t have complete trust in each other’s judgment. At the very least couples must be secure enough with each other to stand together even when the other guy has a different parenting style.
This is especially challenging for stepparents who raised their children with different parenting styles. It takes a lot of trust and emotional connection to live at peace with each other when you would make different parenting decisions with your partner’s child. By learning how to stay out of negative cycle arguments you can learn how to stay connected and model a loving relationship even when you disagree. This will help your children feel more secure.
According to attachment expert Alan Schore, Ph.D., infants develop 80% of their attachment neurology in their first two years of life. This course will teach you how parenting affects the attachment styles that affect people for the rest of their lives. In the course you’ll watch the classic Mary Ainsworth child attachment style videos. Dr. Edward Tronick’s Still Face Experiment work helps us make sense of what happens to children when parents stop emotionally connecting with them.
The content of this course will help you make sense of why being emotionally responsive to your children may be the most important thing that you can do for them to make them secure, healthy, connected human beings.
Learning how to parent using an attachment lens begins with learning how to attach in your marriage. Healing your own attachment insecurities in your lifetime love relationship will help you be more attachable with your own children.